Dog bite lawyer toronto
Attacks from vicious or poorly trained dogs can result in a wide range of injuries. Broken bones, rabies, muscle and tissue damage, face and neck injuries, and dog bite crush injuries are among the most common outcomes of dog attacks. Crushing injuries, such as those caused by a dog bite, can result in serious medical complications. The bulk of citizens who are bitten by dogs are children, but a dog bite personal injury lawyer handles cases for people of all ages who may be entitled to compensation.
You probably do need a lawyer if you’ve been bitten by a dog. If a dog attacks someone, the responsible party is the dog’s owner or whoever has homeowners insurance that includes liability for pets. When filing a claim, you’ll have to deal with insurance companies that will try to pay you less money or deny liability altogether. Hiring a lawyer who specialises in personal injury law who has experience with dog bite cases can only help your case. You may end up settling for less than what you’re legally entitled to in Ontario, even if the dog’s owner is willing to negotiate compensation. Dog bite attorneys at our office have handled numerous cases with unfair or inadequate compensation. When a judge orders compensation on your behalf, it could be for as much as $18,000. The pet owner may offer to pay a few hundred dollars to help with recovery. However, a dog bite lawyer in Toronto or the Greater Toronto Area can be of great assistance in such a case.